Bust a Move Moving Official Blog
Helpful information for clients and a collection of entertaining tales from on-the-job experiences.
Tuesday, 13 February 2018
Sauver de l’argent lors de votre déménagement
Une compagnie de déménagement qui vous dit comment économiser ? Vous ne rêvez pas!
Stationnement – Planifiez et Réservez!
En permettant aux déménageurs d’installer la rampe de chargement le plus près possible de la porte d’entrée ou des escaliers, vous allez grandement accélérer le processus. S’ils peuvent sauver 6 secondes chaque fois qu’ils se rendent au camion, c’est près de 20 minutes économisées au total, soit 30$ à 50$.
Utilisez des boites de pareille dimension (2 à 3 grandeurs)
Les boites aux dimensions standard peuvent être facilement empilées dans le camion sans avoir à jouer à Tétris. Vous pensez sauver de l’argent en utilisant des boites usagées? Pensez-y une seconde fois! Tenter de placer toutes vos boites de différents formats va en fait augmenter drastiquement le temps de votre déménagement.
Dégagez le chemin!
Gardez les porches, les cages d’escaliers, les entrées et les corridors libres. Plus les déménageurs pourront se déplacer rapidement, plus vite le déménagement se fera.
Démontez vos meubles avant le jour du déménagement
Si vous vous sentez d’attaque, bien entendu. Démonter et remonter un lit IKEA pourrait rajouter jusqu’à 20 minutes à votre déménagement. Enlever les pattes d’une table; 10 à 15 minutes. Vous pourriez facilement sauver jusqu’à une heure sur votre facture à le faire vous-même.
Organisez vos articles hors norme
Les balais, les ventilateurs, les moppes, les aspirateurs, les plantes d’intérieur, les articles de sports, les parquets ou encore les affiches roulées ne peuvent être chargés tels quel dans le camion. Rassemblez les articles de dimensions semblables et placez les plus petits articles dans de petites boites pour accélérer le déménagement.
Montrez aux déménageurs TOUS vos items, dès leur arrivée
Vos déménageurs vont remplir le camion stratégiquement. Si vous les informez à la fin du déménagement que vous aviez oublié de mentionner vos deux air climatisés, votre souffleuse à neige et un set de patio qui se trouvaient dans le cabanon, ils devront prendre le temps de réorganiser le camion pour accommoder ces items de plus.
Réservez l’ascenseur
Vos déménageurs seront en mesure de vérrouiller l’ascenseur ce qui simplifie et accélère le processus. Ce n’est pas facile d’essayer de remplir un ascenseur qui essaie constamment de vous écraser!
Allez voir notre page “Conseils”
Évitez de perdre du temps et bien des frustrations en allant jeter un coup d’oeil à notre page Conseils!
Pourquoi vous ne devriez pas acheter des boites usagées!
Utiliser des boites usagées pour déménager est une mauvaise idée.
Scénario: Julie emballe les vêtements de son bébé dans une boite usagée.
Possibilité: Cette boite a été utilisée par un grand fumeur et elle a absorbé la fumée.
Maintenant: Les vêtements du bébé de Julie sentent la cigarette.
Scénario: Fred emballe sa vaisselle et sa verrerie dans une boite usagée.
Possibilité: Cette boite appartenait a un amoureux de chien et de la fourrure s'est accumulée dans les coins de la boite.
Scénario: Fred emballe sa vaisselle et sa verrerie dans une boite usagée.
Possibilité: Cette boite appartenait a un amoureux de chien et de la fourrure s'est accumulée dans les coins de la boite.
Maintenant: Les invités de Fred trouvent le poisson un peu '' Poilu''...
Scénario: Suzanne a emballé ses livres et ses travaux dans une boite usagée.
Possibilité: Cette boite a été rangée dans un cabanon et des araignées y ont trouvé refuge.
Maintenant: Suzanne doit lire sur comment se débarrasser des araignées dans sa maison.
Scénario: Darius emballe ses ingrédients secs dans une boite usagée.
Possibilité: Cette boite fut utilisée pour transporter des produits chimiques.
Maintenant: Darius ne se sent pas très bien après avoir fait cuire des muffins.
Scénario: Kendrick a profité de l'escompte offerte par sa compagnie de déménagement et a pu utiliser des boites garde-robe.
Possibilité: Le client précédent avait des puces de lit et ne le savait pas.
Maintenant: Kendrick a des puces de lit... ce qui est beaucoup plus cher que de nouvelles boites garde-robe.
Scénario: Suzanne a emballé ses livres et ses travaux dans une boite usagée.
Possibilité: Cette boite a été rangée dans un cabanon et des araignées y ont trouvé refuge.
Maintenant: Suzanne doit lire sur comment se débarrasser des araignées dans sa maison.
Scénario: Darius emballe ses ingrédients secs dans une boite usagée.
Possibilité: Cette boite fut utilisée pour transporter des produits chimiques.
Maintenant: Darius ne se sent pas très bien après avoir fait cuire des muffins.
Scénario: Kendrick a profité de l'escompte offerte par sa compagnie de déménagement et a pu utiliser des boites garde-robe.
Possibilité: Le client précédent avait des puces de lit et ne le savait pas.
Maintenant: Kendrick a des puces de lit... ce qui est beaucoup plus cher que de nouvelles boites garde-robe.
Comme vous pouvez le constater, vous ne savez jamais qui a utilisé ces boites avant vous et ce qu'ils en ont fait. Plusieurs compagnies vont louer des boites et des boites garde-robes à leurs clients en leur faisant remarquer l'économie d'argent. Néanmoins, comme nous l'avons vu, ce n'est pas toujours le cas.
Avec Déménagement Bust a Move, nous utilisons que des boites neuves; Vos biens et votre famille sont en sécurité avec nous.
Thursday, 1 February 2018
Why you shouldn't buy used moving boxes!
Using used moving boxes is a bad idea. Here is 5 examples that illustrate why.
Scenario: Julie packs her baby's clothing into a used cardboard box.
Possibility: That box belonged to a heavy smoker and the cardboard has absorbed the smoke.
Now: Julie's baby smells like cigarettes.
Scenario: Fred packed his dishes and glassware into a used cardboard box.
Possibility: That box belonged to a pet lover and the joints and creases are packed with fur.
Now: Fred's guests are finding the fish a little "hairy".
Scenario: Susanna packed her books and paperwork into a used cardboard box.
Possibility: That box was stored in an outdoor shed and spiders got inside.
Now: Susanna is doing a lot of reading on how to get rid of spiders in her house.
Scenario: Darius packed his dry ingredients into a used cardboard box.
Possibility: That box was used for chlorine, lawn pesticides and other chemicals from his garage.
Now: Darius isn't feeling too well after baking his house warming muffins.
Scenario: Kendrick happily took advantage of his moving company's free, used wardrobe boxes.
Possibility: The previous client had bed bugs but did not know about it.
Now: Ken has bed bugs... which is more expensive to fix than buying new wardrobe boxes.
So you see, you never know who used those boxes before you or what they used them for. Many moving companies will rent boxes and wardrobe boxes to their customers which may seem like a good way to save money, but now you see that it's probably not.
At Bust a Move Moving we always use new, clean and sturdy boxes to move your items so that you can rest assured that your belongings and family are safe!
Tuesday, 19 January 2016
My Movers Dumped Me! A Tale of Panic and Despair.

What's worse than being dumped on your wedding day?
Getting dumped on July 1st by your movers.
Its' unfortunate and it happens all the time and the story goes like this;
You (the client) being well prepared take the time to contact a moving company in March to reserve for July 1st. They give you a great price so you book your move and hang up the phone feeling great.
Skip Forward to July 1st. Your reservation was for 8:00 a.m. It's now 11:30 a.m and after multiple phone calls which go unanswered you really start to panic.
What Happened? Your movers dumped you to make room for higher paying, last minute bookings.
But you're not going to let them get you down! You're resourceful, capable, a real Go-Getter! So you pick up the phone and start calling around only to find out that literally every company is fully booked.
You finally reach a moving company that has an available truck. Great! One minor detail though; their rate is $450/hour. They have purposely left trucks available for last minute callers that are stuck in a jam. With no other options you agree to the outrageous price.
You sit on your steps with tears rolling down your cheeks, feeling angry and helpless wondering how you're going to pay for your overpriced move.
Why are we telling you this? To protect you from a disaster of course!
If you need to move during peak moving season (April 25 to July 15th) in Montreal make sure to choose a reputable company that's more interested in maintaining a good reputation than gaining short term profits. The added cost of hiring a reputable moving company is worth the peace of mind that comes along with it.
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
Money Saving Tips for your upcoming move
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Keep more cash in your pockets by cutting down on time! |
The closer your movers can place their loading ramp to your front door or staircase the better.
Regular sized boxes can be quickly stacked in the truck without having to play Tetris. Think you're saving money by scoring free boxes? Think again! Trying to stack all of your odd shaped boxes will actually add a significant amount of time to your move.
Keep porches, stairwells, hallways and entrances free of items and junk. The faster your movers can maneuver around your home, the quicker the job will get done.
Only if you're feeling up to it of course. Taking apart an IKEA bed and rebuilding will add about 20 minutes to your move. Removing legs from a table could take 10 minutes. The difference between taking apart your own furniture could easily save you one-hour of billed moving time.
Fans, brooms, mops, vacuums, house plants, sporting equipment, wooden slabs, rolled posters and other awkward items can not be loaded in the truck as is. Try to bundle like-shaped items together and place all smaller items inside of boxes.
Your movers will load the truck with a strategy in mind. If near the end of the loading process you say, "Oh! and I have two air conditioners, a snow blower and a patio set in the shed", they may have to spend time rearranging the truck to accommodate the extra items.
Your movers will be able to lock the elevator which simplifies and quickens the process. It isn't easy to load an elevator that is constantly attempting to crush you.
Save on time and frustration by checking out our PACKING TIPS
Thursday, 22 August 2013
The $3,588 Ikea bar stool

Years back one of our clients had to suddenly move to Vancouver. Everything happened so quickly and she was forced to squeeze out of her lease early and place the contents of her 1-bedroom apartment into a storage facility.
And off she went to begin her journey. New school, new job, friends to make, parties to go to, studying and exams to write. Fast forward 3 + years and she lands back in Montreal just like the good old days and she is ready to move into her new apartment.
Moving day arrives and Bust a Move moving arrive on time as expected and begin to empty her locker. She mentions that her boyfriends apartment is already furnished and she will be throwing out most of her things and just keeping personal items. In the end the movers delivered the bar stool (see above) and around 6 boxes of personal items to the apartment. They brought the remaining contents of the locker to renaissance to be donated.
So let's do the math. The storage was $92/month and she used it for 39 months. That's $3,588!!! And all she kept was 1 stool that sells for $49 at Ikea. She could have bought 73 stools for that price!
Sometimes it's better to cut ties with your furniture/possessions. Instead of spending that money she could have liquidated her stuff at a garage/moving sale and maybe made $500-$1,000. Value your items with a dollar amount and estimate the length of storage needed to determine whether it's worth the cost of storage. Your furniture will not get more fashionable or comfortable over time so it's better to make that call early on!
As for our client, well she's probably just living her life, going about her day, sitting on Montreals most expensive bar stool.
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
The Garbage Bag grumbles
Garbage Bags are great for moving.... Said no one, ever.
We've traveled through the vast lands of Nepal to converse with wise Buddhists about a question that we can not understand; "Why do people use garbage bags instead of moving boxes"
Have you ever seen a golfer strolling down the fairway with their clubs in a garbage bag?
No! Yet on moving day, your golf clubs are jammed into garbage bags.
Do the products in grocery stores come in garbage bags?
No! Yet on moving day you empty the contents of your fridge in 1 garbage bag.
When you buy a set of dishes does the cashier carefully place them into garbage bags?
No! Yet on moving day you place your dishes into garbage bags to ensure ultimate protection.
When Dell ships your laptop does FedEx ring your doorbell and hand you a garbage bag?
No, Yet on moving day you cram every electronic in your home into one large garbage bag.
Even garbage bags come in boxes when you buy them. Can you imagine buying a garbage bag filled with garbage bags from the store?
The best is when people cover their glass lamp shades with a garbage bag for protection. The only good thing about this is when (I'm saying 'when' because it's inevitable) the lamp shatters, the pieces will already be in the garbage.
Garbage bags should not be used for moving because;
1) The can't be stacked
2) They are awkward to carry
3) The chance of them ripping apart is 100%
4) The chance of them protecting your things is 0%
Things Garbage bags are great for;
1) Garbage
2) A cape for a Batman costume
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