Friday 23 November 2012

Bellies Full - Spirits Up

Hot days, humid days, rainy days, snow, slush, stairs, bumps, bruises, cuts, tiny doors, stinky hallways, grumpy doormen, crying babies and broken elevators.

Just a few things that can put a damper on the morale while your movers work tirelessly to finish the job.  A three year study conducted by Bust a Move Moving has revealed that the single best remedy for a bad attitude is… Food. 

Research shows that a whopping 98.4% of Bust a Move movers experienced lifted spirits when offered food + drink during the move. Furthermore, the studies concluded that productivity increased by an astonishing 58% when movers ingested food or drink offered by customers. Below are notable offerings that were greatly appreciated. A big thank you to our amazing customers!

  • Cheeseburgers from Burger de Ville / Capoli’s
  • Smoked Salmon on fresh bagels from St Viateur
  • Non-Alcoholic Becks
  • Countless Pizzas
  • Homemade Cookies – Straight from the oven
  • Hundreds of bottles of Gatorade (You would think we were sponsored by them)
  • Ham Sandwiches from Premier Moisson
  • Smoked meat sandwiches from Shwartz’s
Montreal, Moving, Movers, Residential Moving